Art We Heart ♡: Balloon String Eggs 🥚

Balloon String Eggs 🥚

Usually this time of year, we’d be thinking of how we want to color and design our eggs for the Easter holiday. With limited access to groceries right now, we wanted to save our eggs for eating, so we decided to make egg sculptures instead using balloons, colored string, and a glue-flour paste.

We blew up balloons with just a little air, so they were the size and shapes of eggs. We made a paste of school glue, a little water to thin it out, and a sprinkling of flour. We cut embroidery floss (you could also use yarn) into strips about one arms length. Dip the string into the paste and wring it out between your fingers as you pull it out of the bowl. Wrap 6 strings around each egg form and then hang them to dry for a few hours or overnight. When they are dry, cut off the knot and the balloon will hold the egg form. Hope you have a crafty weekend! 🤍

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